The Law Offices of Charles R. Frazier will provide the advice, guidance, and representation you need to ensure you only pay your fair share of taxes. If you've been contacted by the IRS with notice that your tax return has been selected for examination, you should consult with our office immediately.
We understand that many taxpayers feel overwhelmed and intimidated because they have been selected for an IRS examination. Many of our clients want to know what they did to draw the attention of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS uses scientific methods designed to randomly select returns that appear to have the most collection potential. However, some returns are selected as part of related return examinations or tax return preparer projects. Regardless of why you have been selected for an examination, we will help you show that your return is correct as filed. However, if there are tax return errors, we will represent your interest to correct the issue and resolve the matter with the IRS.
As a former IRS agent, Tax Attorney Charles R. Frazier knows the IRS examination process, which enables our office to efficiently and effectively represent individuals and businesses throughout Nashville, Murfreesboro, and the surrounding areas during IRS audits.
The Law Offices of Charles R. Frazier will protect your financial interest during an audit and ensure that all proposed increases to your tax liability are correct. IRS revenue agents are trained to gather all financial information necessary to determine whether there are errors, improper applications of tax law, or unreported income to make adjustments to increase your tax liability. IRS revenue agents are skilled tax examiners with a high degree of knowledge, training, and experience. You should also have a highly skilled, knowledgeable and experienced tax attorney on your side to advocate for you.
While working as an IRS revenue agent, Attorney Charles R. Frazier was tasked with conducting IRS audits, most often at taxpayers' homes or businesses. The Law Offices of Charles R. Frazier knows how revenue agents examine financial information and we understand how income or expense items tip revenue agents off to potential tax problems. We also know that every word you utter and every document you provide will be strictly scrutinized. It may be in your best interests to consult with an experienced tax lawyer who understands the process and knows how to make the system work for you.
The Law Offices of Charles R. Frazier will represent you before the IRS to minimize your exposure to tax deficiencies and make the process as stress-free and efficient as possible. Attorney Charles R. Frazier draws upon inside knowledge and experience while representing clients who are under audit by the IRS. We are often able to identify potential issues before the IRS discovers them, limit the scope of the examination and prepare clients on how best to protect their interests during the IRS audit process.
Many people rely on certified public accountants (CPAs), bookkeepers, or other tax preparers during IRS audits. Reliance on your tax preparer may be a mistake, especially if the CPA, bookkeeper, or tax preparer took a position that caused your return to be selected for examination. While CPAs and other tax preparers may have an in-depth understanding of accounting, many do not have the legal knowledge or skills necessary to adequately protect you during an audit.
Contact our office today if you need assistance with an IRS examination. If the CPA or tax preparer provided the advice that led to the tax errors, improper applications of tax law, or unreported income on your tax return, they may understand that your representation creates a conflict of interest. We will use your reliance on the advice of a CPA as a defense against certain proposed tax penalties, thus ensuring that you only pay your fair share of tax.